My Story
Radio Sharda of J&K has the maximum listenership. More than 7 out of 10 households (72%) within the coverage area of Radio Sharda consist of at least one listener of this particular CRS. The listenership is least for Krishi Community Radio, University of Agricultural Sciences, Karnataka, which is only 6%
With respect to individual CRS, more than 9 out of 10 listeners of Radio Sharda, J&K, listen to it every day, the highest among all CRSs.
The highest proportion of listeners who opted for good music was about 93% for Radio Sharda, J&K, and the lowest was 8% for KVK Pravara CR, in Maharashtra.
Two of the radio stations, Radio Sharda, J&K and Vidyavani, University of Pune, Maharashtra received a response of 100% satisfaction for quality of signal transmission from its listeners. This was followed by 97% for Waqt Ki Awaaz, UP and 96% for Radio Media Village, Kerala.
All the listeners of Radio Sharda, J&K were highly satisfied with the quality of content of programmes aired in their CRS. This was followed by 99% of listeners who gave an excellent rating for Vidyavani, University of Pune in Maharashtra.
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